samedi 21 décembre 2013

A winter in Paris, prequel...

Posted by John | samedi 21 décembre 2013 | Category: , | 0 commentaires

At the origin of this blog were two texts that I sent to Marina already almost 3 years ago. One is called "Les faux pas" and is today the most widely read text of this blog. Yet, another text which prompted Marina to encourage me to continue writing was a small story about the Christmas spirit and the atmosphere in Paris during this time of the year. It's a bit the genesis of everything that has been developed in this space for exchange and sharing. Then, here it is:
Snow, fir trees, skating rinks and regional recipes... Everything is done to put the Parisians in a festive atmosphere. I often say that the best time to visit Paris is Summer, but the city is just as beautiful during Winter, despite the cloudy sky. Indeed, log cabins, ice sculptures, tobogganing or ice skating rinks in altitude have been installed in various locations throughout the city.

The Parisians, but also tourists, can slide on the first floor of the Eiffel tower, at 57m high, on an ice rink installed for the occasion. The success of this attraction makes many people wait in the long winter wind. Fortunately, another outdoor rink is open, free to the public, directly in front of City Hall.

A multitude of replicas of the finest monuments in the world (Mount St-Michel, Montmartre, Big Ben...) were conducted with hundreds of tons of ice. They are also exposed on the Champs-Elysees where is held at the same time the traditional Christmas market. Actually, more than a dozen Christmas markets appear throughout the city to celebrate the holidays. For a gourmet break and warm up with mulled wine. After Paris Plage, here is Paris Mountain! Furthermore, you can also enjoy the great wheel of the Place de la Concorde, just down the Champs-Elysees. Or the huge tree, more than 20m high, sitting in front of Notre Dame. With all the street decorations and shop windows, Paris deserves its nickname of "City of Light".

However, snow falls in abundance and the city can also turn into a nightmare for traffic. Parisians don't seem to really know how to manage this kind of situation, which brings real mess sometimes. Especially since this winter is one of the coldest we've ever known in recent decades.

Who would have thought that this little description of a moment of life have led me to write many more. I thought that today was a good time to expose this story and thus put an end to the blog. As we say in French : "la boucle est bouclée" (we have come full circle). Some say I'm crazy to stop, quitting now while the blog has never been so read is absurd. However, it's been a while that I'm fighting against the fear of the blank page, that my desire to write seems to disappear more and more. Sometimes it's useless to go against nature or turn a blind eye.

Therefore, no tears or regrets. But a big thank you to Marina, without whom none of this would have happened. A special thank you to my friend and sister Renata, who joined me along the way and helped me give life to the blog. A thank you to all of you who took some time to read my adventures, my thoughts, who could stand my humor or witty remarks sometimes. Thank you to all those who have inspired me and led me to reflect and develop my vision of the world.

However, I won't completly lock the door so I can open it one day if destiny guides me here again. Is life not full of surprises? And, Renata will contribute for a last time to this blog with a coming next article about Xmas in Cracow. Then, keep an eye on the next time online!

mardi 3 décembre 2013


Posted by John | mardi 3 décembre 2013 | Category: , | 0 commentaires

Paris où les boîtes de nuit dansent toute la nuit
Paris où les lumières s'allument le soir
Paris couvert de pollution
Paris l'endroit du shopping
Paris bruyant
Paris magnifique
Paris où la tour Eiffel brille la nuit
J'espère te revoir dans ce monde de foule où la nuit brille de mille feux le soir
Et où ton sourire rayonnera de milles éclats
Rendant à la cité son nom de ville-lumière.

lundi 2 décembre 2013

Keep on fighting

Posted by John | lundi 2 décembre 2013 | Category: , | 0 commentaires

Here is a text that I wrote for one of my friends who was sick a few years ago. It was nothing serious (just a cold) but she sounded so much in pain that I tried to give her some comfort and rise her mood: 

Peine et douleur vont bientôt s'évaporer,
Rendant à ton corps sa légendaire énergie.
Outrepassant les maux de la maladie, aidé par la
Médecine, tu seras très vite à nouveau sur pieds.
Pour l'instant, repos et soutien moral sont tes alliés.
Ta vigueur et ton courage seront récompensés quand tu seras
Rétabli, guéri, avec la santé pour meilleure amie.
En ce moment, toutes mes pensées t'accompagnent dans
Ton combat incessant contre la souffrance.
Amour, réconfort et quelques vitamines sont le cocktail gagnant !
Bravant la maladie avec courage, tu sortiras vainqueur.
Le jour et la nuit, je suis à tes côtés pour t'apporter mon
Indestructible soutien. Tu n'es pas seul dans ce combat !
Souhaitant du plus profond de mon coeur te voir bientôt
Sautillant, courant, riant en pleine santé, et pétillant de vie.
En toi, tu possèdes les capacités pour te battre et vaincre,
Mettant au tapis les virus et autres bactéries.
Etonnantes sont tes grandes forces intérieures !
Ne baisse jamais les bras car souviens-toi que tu peux tout surmonter.
Ton bien-être est si important pour moi ! Je te souhaite un prompt rétablissement.

Pain and sorrow will soon evaporate,
Restoring your body's legendary energy.
Bypassing the evils of disease, aided by the
Medicine, you will be very quickly on your feet again.
For now, rest and emotional support are your allies.
Your strength and your courage will be rewarded when you're
Restored and healed.
At this moment all my thoughts are with you in
Your ongoing struggle against suffering.
Love, comfort and some vitamins are a winning combination!
Braving the disease with courage, you will be victorious.
Day and night I'm by your side to bring you my
Indestructible support. You're not alone in this fight!
Wishing the very depths of my heart to see you soon
Jumping, running, laughing in full health, and sparkling with life.
In you, you possess the capacity to fight and conquer,
Beating the viruses and other bacteria.
Wonderful must be your greatest inner strengths!
Never give up because you have to remember that you will always overcome it.
Your well-being is so important to me! I wish you a quick recovery.