lundi 3 juin 2013

Ne rien refuser de stable
Il vaut beaucoup mieux accepter
Que refuser et s'aveugler
Accepter, ce n'est pas renoncer
C'est fermer un livre quand la dernière page est tournée
C'est dire " J'ai appris et je suis plus fort " Et reconnaître ses raisons et ses torts
C'est faire la paix avec soi-même
Et aller où le destin nous mène
L'amour est souvent capricieux
Il fait souffrir et couler les yeux
Qu'on soit homme ou femme, ce n'est pas différent
La peine est universelle chez les adultes et les enfants
Nous passons tous par là
Ça nous prend quand on ne s'y attend pas
Le tout, c'est de ne pas se décourager
Et se dire qu'on a toute la vie et se relever.
dimanche 2 juin 2013
"It has often been said that life is a struggle. What I didn't know is that it was against myself that I will fight."
A fight to find ourself, to be accepted, to digest our sufferings, to change attitudes, to accept ourself in the goal to accept others, to love healthily and constructively. A fight not to lie, to avoid to throw our frustrations on others, not to fall into hatred when we suffer, not to accept the intolerable, injustice, prejudice, fatalism, despair.
It's not uncommon that one moment of our life, we promise to do certain things in the future, we prohibit certain behaviors. The days pass, we grow up, we realize that everything is not black or white. Beyond
the compromises made, the experience and the loss of a certain
innocence, we sometimes wonder if we are always in line with our own and original values
and aspirations. Who am I?The
battle of life is a great fight, but so hard. We must reconcile
existential quest, professional development, search for love,
recognition. There
are many obstacles, some people accumulate them but believe in your lucky
star, some say, because the real fight is to be a good person, to be
able to look in the mirror. When this battle is won, then happiness is available. But is it ever really since the questioning itself must accompany us throughout our lives without forgetting to liiiiive!
life is not only a battle. It can also be mild, the problems are meant to make
us more human (if we have not succumbed to the dark side or cynicism in the process) and we can enjoy the small and daily joys. To fill with wonder of a sunny day or children's laughter, to have a coffee on a terrace
daydreaming, enjoying ones friends .... Happiness is accessible to all
when life leaves us alone, when it doesn't persist to put a spoke in the wheels and in loving yourself, being
blown, giving to others, I think there is every chance to
apply to happiness ("we learn to live, when we learn to give each other what we need..." as sang Paul McCartney and M.Jackson). Breathing
is a gift we are given, to be healthy is the greatest gift, life is
hard and a struggle, but a noble struggle in which we can't give up.
Abandon means ending, abandon all hope. Sometimes we'd like to drop everything. To cease worrying about anything. But this is an illusion or fear of failure. Responsibilities remain or new ones are born. Faced with a challenge, some are afraid to succeed, others are afraid to fail. Hence, renunciation or a stagnation which no one can be satisfied with. So, instead of thinking first about what could go wrong, we shall start thinking about what could go well! "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amoung the stars...
(Oscar Wilde)" That is why we say that life always smiles to those who
are bold or go after their beliefs, dreams. And even if the final outcome is less radiant or not really a success, you have not given up but been strong enough to let go and accept the result.
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