dimanche 27 mai 2012
In response to the article "Be a real Parisian... Act II", here is a non-exhaustive and playful list that describes the Cracovian. Of course, to become a real one, a few rules have to be respected as:
1) You are not a resident of Warsaw. You don't belong to this group of snobs who says "na dwór" (in the court) instead of going out = "na pole" (literally out on the field) like everyone else, and who are the kings on the road.
2) You are Polish, then you need to know how to manage every situation. This is not a skill learned, one is born with it. Several generations have perfected this ability and you, you only need "to suck the milk of the mother".
3) Everybody says that you are stingy. Then, you're already excused ;)
4) If you are a true Cracovian, you must be super resourceful and know every corner, all the small alleys and shortcuts to get by in a city full of traffic jams. If you don't know, you can still have extraordinary patience. However, if you know them, it's enough to be only super patient...
5) 210 000 of the 756 183 inhabitants of the city are students. So, if you are young and you live in Krakow, it's very very likely that you're not at all a Krakow.
6) If you are a Cracovian for generations, you have at home a small traditional costume of your childhood... or at least a Cracovian hat, a red collar.

7) If you are a Cracovian, you don't really need to ask: "Then, where are we going to meet?" One can simply go to the marketplace and wait under the statue of Mickiewicz.
You'll be there!
And if you're not here, you're probably running late. Eventually, we can meet at the other side of the Sukiennice (the building at the bottom of the photo) around the old City Hall tower
If still, you're not here, it's a shame. Something may have eaten you... could it be the dragon?
2) You are Polish, then you need to know how to manage every situation. This is not a skill learned, one is born with it. Several generations have perfected this ability and you, you only need "to suck the milk of the mother".
3) Everybody says that you are stingy. Then, you're already excused ;)
4) If you are a true Cracovian, you must be super resourceful and know every corner, all the small alleys and shortcuts to get by in a city full of traffic jams. If you don't know, you can still have extraordinary patience. However, if you know them, it's enough to be only super patient...
5) 210 000 of the 756 183 inhabitants of the city are students. So, if you are young and you live in Krakow, it's very very likely that you're not at all a Krakow.
6) If you are a Cracovian for generations, you have at home a small traditional costume of your childhood... or at least a Cracovian hat, a red collar.

7) If you are a Cracovian, you don't really need to ask: "Then, where are we going to meet?" One can simply go to the marketplace and wait under the statue of Mickiewicz.
You'll be there!
And if you're not here, you're probably running late. Eventually, we can meet at the other side of the Sukiennice (the building at the bottom of the photo) around the old City Hall tower
If still, you're not here, it's a shame. Something may have eaten you... could it be the dragon?
mardi 15 mai 2012
After learning the language and vocabulary necessary for your successful integration in the city, let's look at the other symbol of Paris: la parisienne. Of course, there are the clichés about the inimitable chic of the Parisian woman. However, some truths must be revealed on this atypical character. You aren't necessarily born Parisian, you become! It is a learning that requires a number of sacrifices, but it is true that being part of this caste that the world envies us is a privilege that is worth fighting a minimum (however, Londoner and New Yorker would likely have to teach the Frenchies on a lot of points).
Although there are a multitude of look, it's not difficult to note the main characteristics of the Parisienne and thus differentiate her from other French or foreigners. Unless this is behaviour to avoid... Here are therefore some tips to adopt habits, look and attitude "made in Paris". Elegance, chic and sobriety are naturally the basic principles.
1) Be elegant in all circumstances: the Parisienne, it is well known all over the world, is elegant. She never makes the slightest odd dress and, if it actually is in reality, it's you who have a metro of delay on the trends of the moment. This is what gives her so subtly icy and imperturbable air. To be avoided: "the apparent garters" (unless you work at Crazy Horse), "the strings with low jeans" (one of the mysteries of fashion), and especially to match the color of your tights with your shoes and bag is a big faux pas. Unlike her cousins from the Riviera or her London friends, she never takes risks, never crosses out nails from fashion, except - a little- to go out. This caution is her eyes sharp, judging the looks of others with the mercy of a hungry hawk. She pushes the elegance to her way of being, of standing, speaking and of course wearing the garment.
The Parisienne is anything but a "fashion-victim". She can play with the trends without following them to the letter. The key is to have style...your own style (too much reading of magazines can make you forget your taste). Her colors are neutral: black, grey, white, beige, navy blue, khaki. She doesn't put too much make-up and goes with a cleverly tidy-untidy hair ("I have a so-called messy bun done quite quickly which in fact took me ten minutes before the glass with many contortions"). In her closet, you will always find a beautiful jacket, pants suit, a sexy dress but not vulgar and divine lingerie. Don't forget that in a look, the star may be the accessory: it's all in the bag or shoes!
2) Pull the face at all times. It's a fact: the real Parisienne doesn't smile. Ever. She doesn't say hello in public transports. Besides, someone who says hello in the street for no reason is necessarily crazy or provincial. When the bus is crowded, she walks you on foot without apologizing and sighs (but always elegantly, it goes without saying, not a elephantine breath of an annoyed girl) when she has to get off the bus to let people out. And, if you advance not fast enough for her, she barks a "Pardon", which is anything but an excuse. In short, she's a real complainer and she's never satisfied: taxes, strikes, tourists, rents, other Parisians... everything is subject to dispute and discontent.
3) Don't frequent places known to the capital. It is known, the real Parisian is not in those places that everyone knows. No, it's too overused for her. She knows the true fashionable places of Paris or loves to believe it. Then, she likes to slum in exotic places, like a slightly seedy harbor where their cool outfits (brand jeans + top of a creator + a pair of expensive shoes, but still discreet) will emerge in the background. And above all, when the Parisienne talks about this little place, she makes it appear like a little secret. For a little less than six months, in any case.
4) The Parisienne regularly queues. Yes, even though she knows secret places where she likes to go, she also frequents trendy places of the capital. Since she and thousands of her clones also frequent these places, she doesn't have a choice but to queue. Not without strong sighs and complaints. She is used to wait for the opening of a department store, or to eat brunch in a very fashionable place. She therefore seeks to have a very safe address book: clothes, accessories, perfumery, outings... She's made of contradictions, but that's also part of her charm.
5) Don't take the metro. The real Parisienne doesn't take the metro. She takes the bus, and later, when she's old, she drives her own car, thus helping to create this delicious smog above the capital, that colors some days the sunrise with supernatural tints. So, she takes the bus, but also rides bicycle (recently, she has a green conscience which coincides very well with her concern to eliminate cellulite) and walk. This is the secret of the sylphide for the Parisienne line. With all the pastries, all these restaurants and cuisine of the world established in the city, this diversity and these temptations fail to affect her physical.
6) Bring a pair of shoes: unavoidable consequence of the previous character line, the Parisienne has a pair of ballerinas in her bag. Indeed, even for her, walking in high heels is not an easy job, especially when it comes to walking along the rue de Rivoli all day.
7) Never go to Castorama. Yes DIY stores are usually outside Paris, and even if it's cheaper, the Parisienne prefers to buy three nails in BHV (a famous department store close to the city hall in central Paris). There, she stands like an idiot in the drill department, a hot spot of seduction for thirtysomethings singles. And, with the hammer, it's a good way to get hit on the basement of a department store.
8) Talk with an air of everything and nothing. And especially dragging out the vowels. "Ouiii, un peu comme çaaa, tu voa?"
Obviously, these little lessons are not exhaustive. The Parisienne is a bit like the Champs-Elysées, allegedly the most beautiful in the world. We can always argue that along the ten million people in Paris, they are a minority. Many girls who live in the city don't look like that. Or they say it to reassure themselves because they are afraid of becoming it.
But, after all, if one is able to feel drift towards the stereotype, and is terrified of this nightmarish slide, this is perhaps what will definitely lack to these "real Parisienne": humour and step back on oneself. So, as long as you have it, you may consider yourself saved. Even if you have a pair of ballerinas at the bottom of your too expensive bag.
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